sobota, 23 maja 2015

Letchworth State Park + promposal

W zeszłą niedzielę razem z moją host rodziną pojechaliśmy do Parku Narodowego Letchworth. Jest on nazywany Wielkim Kanionem Wschodu, ponieważ znany jest głównie z wielkiej doliny, z trzema wodospadami. Widoki były absolutnie przepiękne, definitywnie jedno z moich ulubionych miejsc w Stanach :)

Last Sunday I went with my host family to Letchworth State Park. It's being called the Grand Canyon of East, because it's known from his deep valley and three waterfalls. The views were absolutely gorgeous and it became one of my favorite places in the US :)
Letchworth Park powstał dzięki temu, że William Pryor Letchworth oddał to całe terytorium w ramach donacji (tak, tak, to całe terytorium należało do niego). Mieszkał w domu zamieszczonym powyżej, a z okien mógł sobie podziwiać widok poniżej.

The Letchworth Park exists, because William Pryor Letchworth donated this all area to the state (yes, yes this all territory was just his). He was living in the house above, and had the view for this waterfall from the windows from his house.
Znalazłam zdjęcie Letchworth'a (?) w parku / I've found Letchworth's picture in the park
W zeszły poniedziałek oficjalnie zaprosiłam wymieńca z Niemiec na prom (zdecydowaliśmy, że idziemy razem jakoś dwa miesiące temu, ale chciałam zrobić to oficjalne amerykańskie "promposal").
Skontaktowałam się z jego host mamą i w poniedziałek po południu po prostu wparowałam do jego pokoju z plakatem. Jego mina -bezcenna. Nie miał bladego pojęcia co się dzieje haha

Last Monday I've officially asked the exchange student from Germany for prom (we knew that we are going together for last two months, but I wanted to do this typical American promposal).
I talked to his host mom and on Monday afternoon I just came into his bedroom with the poster (his face - priceless) He had no idea what's going on haha
Większość ludzi po prostu robi plakat (albo kupuje pączki, torty z "prom?"), ale niektórzy mają naprawdę fajne i oryginalne pomysły:
Most of the people just simply make a poster (or buy a cake, donuts with "prom?"), but some people have got really cool ideas:
So today in English class, I got a call slip. When I went into the office, I was asked about my locker; which didn’t make really any sense at all. After about a minute of just explaining where my locker was, the teacher sent me back to my class. When I walked back into class, reaching to give my teacher my slip, I was surprised to turn around and see my boyfriend come out of a box…he was asking me to prom. Now I know we haven’t been together for like years and we’re just in high school, but these past months have been amazing and he’s really made me a better person. Always making me smile, feeding me constantly because he knows how much I love my food, and understanding my love for Kai and Zelo (as I understand his with Taylor Swift) Even though to other people this may be too early to say, but I love him…and I’m going to prom bitchesss!

Sometimes the best promposals come in big packages! Submit your promposal video to our Best Promposal 2013 contest at, where the winner receives a free prom tux!
source: cityofboba
20 Creative Ways To Ask Someone Out {Prom, Dance, Date} - Tip Junkie. A guy that asked me to last years prom using the puzzle one but gave it to my teachers in school! I loved it!
source: Sarah Bertapelle
Way to put some heart into it!  Hope the answer was yes. Next step is finding a great tuxedo for prom. 
source: Sarah Bertapelle
#promposal #prom maybe for Sadie's...every princess needs and prince so will you be my prince for Sadie's
source: Sarah Bertapelle

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